Now Politics: the Political Opinions of Thomas Sarebbenonnato

A Friend of the People Opposing Elites; Social and Political Commentary of Thomas Sarebbenonnato; Publishing and Contributing Editor, Jay V. Ruvolo [Copyright (c) Jay Ruvolo 2018]

Archive for November 22nd, 2016

The Tirade of a Man in a Bar in Brooklyn; a Transcript

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He said, “The other day a man came into the bar saying he had found a piece of paper on the subway next to him. He had it in his hand. It was the time after work. Some of us wanted a drink. It was Friday. We watched him as he spoke to us with the aper in his hand. He insisted that we needed to hear what was written there. What do you have left in words when confronted by what others have to say when what they say is the truth you could not express and still have no words to say?  I think I wanted to ask, not willing to say that I did not want to hear what this man wanted to read, imagining that he was full of shit and that he had written it, although I did not have anything tangible to go on, nothing except my suspicions which were notational Would have said toy even then.’

He said, “The man in a bar in Brooklyn said as he read, the other day:

I cannot express how much contempt I have had for Bill Clinton these last 20 years and more. He is a lot smarter than Trump, for sure; he is smart enough to keep us thinking what a great liberal leader he is and has been; duping the American people through allied media messaging how much he cares for the common persons of all of America, all the while helping to peck away at the notion that Government is meant to serve the People, peck away at the fabric of the New Deal, help broker disastrous trade agreements that destroy working families and production at home, getting in bed with banks and corporations, as has Obama from the beginning, the latter spending One Trillion dollars at upgrading our entire nuclear arsenal to the glee of weapons and weapons tech corporations, as well as their financiers on Wall Street. No one has been the banker’s “something-you-hear-a-lot-of-in-rap-songs” more than Obama, Barack being as slick and as oily as Willy Bubba Crony Closet Red-neck Clinton.

Bill Clinton tried to kill the New Deal, tried to bury anything that smacked even of the Kennedy Democrats, and that’s RFK and the morally reformed Teddy K. Clinton’s arrogance—his hubris—was as great as any meglomaniacal nut from the 20th century—no irony we closed out the century on a man who wanted to bury anything humanitarian that came out of the 20th century. Being a Democrat and preaching as he did to the corrupt choir of Publishers and Broadcast CEOs who had their fingers in the collection plates of State too, with their Wall Street Brethren, was even more heinous and disgusting than Regan—Regan was a conservative President. He represented what he represented. He meant what he said. Clinton never did. Clinton was/is Moloch or Mammon . . . Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! [. . .] Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! 

You, all the mother-fuckers of America, the Democrats and Hilary, the Republicans and just about anybody; Wall Street CEOs and Presidents and Vice Presidents and the mothers who raised you to enslave children and destroy their future, selling our water for money, driving your daughters into the harlotry of your traditional marriages. You, yes, all you mother-fuckers . . . broadcast CEOs and Publishers of print media messaging the dogma of the new God of the godless . . .

Mammon, Mammon, as Oprah preached in subtext, God is Mammon, Mammon God; and social media moguls in bed with the secret police of the State . . . no irony, Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Jew, all of them Reactionary Zionists too, in league with the hounds of war, the Horsemen riding the skies of Israel. Tel Aviv and Washington the kingdom of dual evil . . . yet make no mistake that anyone anywhere any time has answers that we alone must find . . . but it is not enough to be happy that we are not the third world or that we are not in Russia, or that we are not living in a Muslim theocracy (especially when Mike Pence just might help an evangelical theocracy as weird and debased as the Puritans in old New England). It’s not enough to say I am glad I am not choking to death in Indian or Chinese cities . . .


the man in the bar finished,” he said. He said,”the man in the bar who had just read what was purported as a found text, ordered a beer.”

Written by jvr

November 22, 2016 at 11:53 am